St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Junior School logo

01442 253 347

Clover Way, Gadebridge Road

Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3EA


Year 6 parents are encouraged to come to our SATs information evening on Thursday 18th January from 6 pm – 6:30 pm. Our Year 6 teachers will share important information about the process, what the school is doing to prepare pupils for the assessments and what you as parents can do to support your child too.
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Representatives from Premier League brought the cup to SCM. They led an inspiring Assembly about the values of the Premiership. Children had the exciting opportunity to have their photos taken with the cup to commemorate this exciting occasion.
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On a very hot Sunday afternoon in June Mrs Welch was accompanied by SCM’s musical talent. The children performed for the housebound and elderly of the parish a selection of hymns, songs from the Royal Albert Hall Gala and The Lion King. The songs were interspersed with pieces on the violin, trombone, flute and harp. The audience were delighted by […]
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In Forest School, children have imagined themselves stranded in the Amazon Rainforest. The have had to use all of the skills learnt this year in order to survive. Children imagined fishing in the Amazon River before creating a fire and cooking real fish which was shared with the group. In addition, children have learnt how to make paper similar to the […]
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In Forest School, pupils in years have been leaning to use fire lighting skills for survival in the wilderness. As well as being great fun, this has required team work, resilience and determination. Children have also leant to use creativity to create mythical creatures using clay. Some have even gone on write wonderful stories about these characters!
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Children have continued to gain so much in Forest school with Year 5 creating their own mythical forest creatures. They have shared imaginative stories about their creations while enjoying hot chocolate made over the fire!
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In order to celebrate the King’s Coronation, Year 5 and 6 pupils designed and built a replica of the Coronation throne. We will be engraving it with our names in keeping with the graffiti seen on the 700-year old chair which King Charles and many other monarchs have been crowned on.
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House Cup Winners from Spring Term – St Rose with 2127 House points collected from Homework, Classwork and acts of kindness.
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4J led the whole school Liturgy to celebrate “Mary the first Missionary” as identified by Pope Francis in Laudato si’. Children were invited to bring a flower to decorate Mary as a symbol of love.
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This performance was the culmination of many Monday and Wednesday lunchtimes spent working hard learning complex but exciting music. Hearing it as part of over a thousand primary school voices accompanied by the Hertfordshire Youth Symphony Orchestra and led by Rufus Frowde was a truly exciting and exhilarating experience! Obviously, we couldn’t take photos of the performance, but here are […]
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