St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Junior School logo

01442 253 347

Clover Way, Gadebridge Road

Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3EA

Our School

High Standards

Year 6 pupils attained considerably higher in reading and writing, compared nationally.


St Cuthbert Mayne


Year 6 pupils attained considerably higher in reading and writing, compared nationally.

I enjoy maths

I like the way we are taught in mathematics


Year 4

St Cuthbert Mayne


Year 4

I like the way we are taught in mathematics

School Leadership

The leadership team has created an enriching learning environment


St Cuthbert Mayne


The leadership team has created an enriching learning environment


Pupils love learning and have the confidence to try new things


St Cuthbert Mayne


Pupils love learning and have the confidence to try new things

Quality teaching

The quality of teaching is good.

Westminster Diocese

St Cuthbert Mayne

Westminster Diocese

The quality of teaching is good.
St Cuthbert Mayne

Our School

We are a Catholic school. Our vision is for every child at St Cuthbert Mayne to live life to the full and flourish academically, spiritually, emotionally, physically and socially.

Within a safe, loving and inclusive community, we strive for every child to grow in their love of life, learning and one another. Through inspirational teaching, every child will be challenged to fulfil their potential and know their own worth with a curriculum that is innovative, creative, stimulating and well-resourced.

Our Mission

Growing together in love and learning as followers of Jesus

In this nurturing and stimulating environment, we aim to build pupils confidence to

  • Be curious, persevere, be resilient, willing to challenge and take risks
  • Be active citizens, taking part in caritas and service to others that brings self-fulfilment as well as hope and happiness to others.
  • Show respect tolerance and acceptance of everyone in our school community and the wider world.

Core Beliefs

Together with our parents and parishes we aim to give our children a safe, happy, faith-filled, stimulating and healthy environment where there is laughter and enjoyment.

We firmly believe that when children are cared for, valued and respected they in turn will care for, value and respect those around them.

Ofsted noted: “Pupils live up to the school’s deeply rooted values. Pupils very clearly  fill each other’s ‘emotional buckets’ with acts of kindness so that all can be happy at school. Pupils also explained how they value the many opportunities to support charities and care for people in need.”

We believe every child is unique, talented and can succeed.


St. Cuthbert Mayne School is situated in Gadebridge Park, overlooking the town of Hemel Hempstead and on the perimeter of the Gadebridge Estate.

Founded by the Dominican Sisters, the first pupils were registered in 1958 and the school was formally opened in 1960 by Cardinal Godfrey. St Cuthbert Mayne School is a junior mixed, with two form entry.

The motto of the Dominicans is contained in our school badge:

LAUDARE – To Praise