Governors’ Newsletter
Summer Term 2024 |
Dear Parents and Carers
We have come to the end of a very busy year for staff, pupils and parents. Well done to year 6 for their SATs results and their fantastic performance of “A Tale As Old As Time”. The governors send their best wishes to year 6 as they move onto their next school.
Academisation and the Governing Body
As of 1 st July 2024, St Cuthbert Mayne Junior School became an academy and is now part of St Mark’s Hub of local Dacorum Catholic Schools within the All Saints Catholic Academy Trust.
The work of the governing body will continue as before with opportunities to share knowledge and expertise with other school governors within our Hub and the wider Trust.
Governing Body work
All the governor committees have met this term to continue their work in reviewing the school improvement plan, the Catholic life of the school and the viability of the school budget for the year ahead. The school rebuilding project is on hold pending an appeal hopefully there will progress in the next year.
Governor Changes
We say farewell to Mike Devlin, Paul Ambridge and Mary Heffernan who are stepping down from their governor roles. The governors would like to say a big thank you to them for their commitment to the role, the knowledge and experience they have brought to the
governing body and the biggest challenge – managing their time commitment with their other responsibilities. They will be missed but we wish them well for the future.
Finally ….
We would like to thank all the staff for their hard work in dealing with the many challenges that run alongside their role in school.
Thank you to parents and carers for your support for the work the school does in supporting your children – we all have a role to play in ensuring the best outcomes for your children.
Hope you all have a lovely relaxing summer.
Maria Butchart
Chair of Governors – On behalf of the Governing Body