Welcome to new parents and carers
The Governing Body would like to welcome new parents and carers to our school and thank them for choosing St Cuthbert Mayne School for their children. Part of the nature of St Cuthbert Mayne School is that it has voluntary aided status. This allows us to ensure that our catholic identity is part of our everyday life at school and is the reason why many of you have chosen this school for your children.
Voluntary aided status means that the Governing Body must contribute 10% of the cost of all maintenance and development work required to keep the school buildings in a good state of repair and fit for purpose. As the school has charitable status, the only way the governors can generate funds is by fundraising and so we are dependent on the generosity of you the parents and carers to do this. The Building Fund was set up to provide a source of funds for our school. Donations to this fund attract tax relief if the donation is gift aided.
The Governing Body continually reviews the school buildings to ensure that they are in a good state of repair and conducive to an appropriate learning environment for the children. Previous work has included the installation of a new boiler and heating system. In 2017 work was carried to refurbish all classroom toilets and cloakroom areas costing in the region of £103,100. The school received a grant of £73,800 towards the cost of the refurbishment but the balance of £29,000 had to be met by the Governors. Over the past few years we have been able to accumulate sufficient monies in our Building Fund to be able to pay for this project but the fund is now seriously depleted.
Ongoing work will be needed on the fabric of the building including repairs to the roof. On a positive note the school were successful in securing a grant to replace the computer server. Any hope of replacing the existing windows will have to be put back as it is such a major financial commitment.
As you can see, it is important to have a Building Fund with sufficient resources to be able to undertake such projects. This is where you as parents and carers can help. We would really benefit by some parents pledging £20 per month and others £10 per month – this would ensure sufficient funding levels are maintained. We know however that some can only give £5 per month and others may not be able to give at all – we respect that and ask everyone to consider giving, and to give sacrificially, whatever the amount. Giving is totally voluntary.
For your convenience we have a standing order form that you can hand into your bank or alternatively set the standing order up online. If you would prefer to make a single donation for the year, then please make your cheque payable to St Cuthbert Mayne School Governors Fund.
To enable the school to reclaim the tax on your donation, if you are a taxpayer, please complete the attached Gift Aid Form and return it to the school along with the reply slip. For every £1.00 donated, the school can reclaim 25pence.
- GIFT AID DECLARATION FORM (PDF format and opens in a new tab)
If you would like any further information or have any queries, please contact me at: mariabutchart@cuthbertmayne.herts.sch.uk.
Thank you for your support.
Yours sincerely
Maria Butchart
Chair of the Governing Body