St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Junior School logo

01442 253 347

Clover Way, Gadebridge Road

Hemel Hempstead, HP1 3EA

School Life

High Standards

Year 6 pupils attained considerably higher in reading and writing, compared nationally.


St Cuthbert Mayne


Year 6 pupils attained considerably higher in reading and writing, compared nationally.

I enjoy maths

I like the way we are taught in mathematics


Year 4

St Cuthbert Mayne


Year 4

I like the way we are taught in mathematics

School Leadership

The leadership team has created an enriching learning environment


St Cuthbert Mayne


The leadership team has created an enriching learning environment


Pupils love learning and have the confidence to try new things


St Cuthbert Mayne


Pupils love learning and have the confidence to try new things

Quality teaching

The quality of teaching is good.

Westminster Diocese

St Cuthbert Mayne

Westminster Diocese

The quality of teaching is good.
St Cuthbert Mayne


Our School Day

Currently, the school day starts at 8.50am. From September 2023, the school day begins with a soft start 8.40am – 8.50am, with registration taken at 8.50am.

The playground gates will be unlocked at 8.30am. Children arriving at school before the bell are asked to assemble in the lower playground.

In the event of wet weather, children are permitted to sit quietly in the dining room. Children are not permitted to arrive in school before 8.30am. and remain the responsibility of their parents until 8:40 when on school premises. The playground gates will be locked at 8.55am. Children arriving after 8.50am should be brought by their parents to the front office, via the main pedestrian gate to the school.

Morning break: 15 mins
Lunch: 12.00 – 1.10 pm.

School ends: 3.20 pm.

The length of the school week, from the start of the school day to the end of the school day, including breaks, is 32 hours, 30 minutes per week (32.50 h.).

Sweets, chewing gum, etc. should not be brought to school, although the children are encouraged to bring a piece of fresh fruit or vegetable for morning break-time and a named water bottle. Nuts and products containing nuts, are not permitted in school.

At the end of the day, the children are usually dismissed through the Assembly Hall or, for Year 3, via the external classroom doors. The playground gates will be unlocked at 3.15pm. Parents are requested to wait in the upper playground. In the event of a parent being unavoidably late at the end of the day, a telephone call should be made to school.


If your child is absent, a phone call should be made to the school before 9.30am on each day of absence. In addition, a dated note of explanation should be sent to the class teacher on the child’s return. Absence notes are retained as they form part of the record of attendance. Parents requesting absence for a child to visit the doctor, dentist etc. during school time, should send a note at least one day in advance to the teacher. Under no circumstances should a parent attempt to remove a child from the school premises without prior notification. In the event of parents wishing to withdraw children for planned absences, other than medical, a Leave of Absence form should be submitted to the Headteacher. Term-time holidays are not authorised.

Lunchtime Arrangements

The school has an excellent canteen, providing well-balanced, nutritional meals, produced by Herts Catering Ltd. Children are offered a choice of menu. Alternatively, children may bring a packed lunch. Water is provided for all children at lunchtime, but those having packed lunches may wish to bring their own drink. These should be in plastic, screw-topped containers or cartons. Glass bottles or cans are not permitted. Parents are asked not to put sweets or chocolate into lunch boxes and should not include any items containing nuts.

Payment Of Money

Dinner money must be paid in advance and all other money is paid as requested. Electronic payments via the Arbor Parent Portal, is the safest and preferred method for parents to make payments to school. Alternatively, cheques can be sent in a sealed envelope, marked with the child’s name and class, the amount enclosed and the purpose for which it is intended.

Pastoral Care

Medical Information

It is essential for us to know any relevant medical facts about your child. The class teacher should be notified, for example, if your child:

  • has suffered any serious accident
  • has any allergies to foods, sticking plasters, bee stings, etc.
  • suffers from diabetes or epilepsy
  • has a sight or hearing impairment
  • is found to have head lice
  • has sustained an injury to the head within 24 hours of coming to school.

Children with medical conditions will have an individual health care plan (IHP). The school will not give medication (prescription or non-prescription) to a child without a parent’s written consent / IHP except in exceptional circumstances. In the case of non-prescription medication, this school asks parents where possible, to administer this outside school hours. If this is not possible, medication can be administered, providing written information and consent has been received from the parent.

Children who need access to inhalers should have these permanently in school.

Children should not be sent to school if they are unwell. In the event of children becoming ill whilst at school, parents will be contacted. It is important that the school has access to current home and work telephone numbers, and that any changes are notified immediately. The name and telephone number of a friend or relative, who can be contacted in case of emergency, is also required. Parents of any child with a condition requiring regular medication at school, will be asked to complete a health care plan.

Child Protection

The school works in partnership with parents to support children in every way possible. However, the Children’s Act, 1989, places a clear responsibility on schools to ensure they work together with other agencies to safeguard and promote the welfare of all children.

As a result, if particular concerns are raised within school, or a child or parent reports a situation giving rise to particular concern, it may be necessary for the school to contact social services without first contacting the parents. This is in line with Government and Hertfordshire County Council’s guidelines on Child Protection.

Special Educational Needs (SEN) and More & Most Able (MMA)

At the heart of our school ethos is the value of each individual child. We help all children to learn, to be challenged and to fulfil their potential, in accordance with our SEN and MMA policies and guidelines.
Teachers and teaching assistants carry out individual and small group work.

Together with the parents, they work in partnership to implement the SEN and MMA policies. Children are identified for additional support and progress is monitored accordingly. Governors are appraised at their meetings of the number of children at each stage on the relevant register.


Pupils with a disability are invited to make application to the school. Governors consider the nature of the disability to assess whether the school has the appropriate accommodation or if the necessary adjustments can be made.

The governors are working to make the building more accessible to those with a disability, to enable them to play as full a part as possible in the life of the school. Parents are asked to provide information on the nature of any disability affecting the applicant in order that appropriate arrangements can be made wherever possible.

The building is currently modified in a number of ways to improve accessibility for disabled users. There is a multi-access toilet in the main reception area, disabled access to the ‘Quiet Area’ (top playground), a mobile access ramp to external classroom doors, wider external doors to two classrooms for wheelchair access, Soundfield Systems in the classrooms and an induction loop in the main hall. We have a number of other initiatives to support pupils, parents and visitors with other disabilities, eg visual impairment.

The governors continue to address issues of inaccessibility in order for the school to be more fully inclusive. The Disability Equality Scheme promotes equality in all aspects of school life for all members of our community.

Sport for all

On the fitness front, all children in Years 3, 4 and 5 have a term of swimming lessons at Sportspace in Hemel over the year. The Mile A Day challenge is offered at lunchtimes and children have a variety of equipment to use. We have Fitter Future – giving us quick exercise breaks in class.

We are also very active in local leagues and inter school tournaments as well as our own events in school – such as the Netball and Football House Cup and of course our Sports Day.