SEND Information
St Cuthbert Mayne Catholic Junior School is an inclusive school. We seek to ensure that children reach their full potential, with a focus on challenge for all across the curriculum and deeper understanding in their knowledge and love of Christ.
Some children, at certain points in their school life, may need adjustments to the content, delivery and/or pace of lessons, and at St Cuthbert Mayne we aim to identify these needs as soon as possible, so that support and appropriate teaching methods can be put into place to enable every child to achieve their best.
A special educational need may be determined to be anything that is additional to, or different from the usual differentiation and high quality teaching that takes place in class. It may be a cognitive need, a personal, social or mental health need, a communication or interaction need or a sensory/physical need. We take a holistic approach to education and promote the development of the whole child as they move along their academic and spiritual journey.
We hope the information available in the documents below will give you a clear picture of how St Cuthbert Mayne is a fully inclusive school. We value every child. Early identification is crucial to prevent any gap between the progress or attainment of your child and that of their peers, from developing or widening further. If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to speak to your child’s class teacher or our SENDco.
If you are thinking of applying to St Cuthbert Mayne for your child and you are concerned about any aspect of your child’s development or transition into our school, please do not hesitate to contact our SENDCo through the school office.
Information on SEND interventions (PDF format and opens in a new tab)
SEND Information Report 2025 (PDF format and opens in a new tab)
- SEND Policy 2024 (PDF format and opens in a new tab)