Our Breakfast Club provides a welcoming, safe environment for pupils in Year 3-6 from 7.50am to 8.40am. From the Autumn Term 2023 the charge is £4.00 per session. Full details are in our Breakfast Policy below.
Parents book sessions via the Arbor Parent Portal system which enables parents to have control of booking their required places and monitoring their account balances. It is essential for your account to be in credit in order for you to book a place for your child. Childcare vouchers may be used for the Breakfast Club. Please provide details of your scheme to our Office Manager.
A daily register is produced therefore only those who have booked a place will be able to attend.
If you would like to make an enquiry regarding your child attending our Breakfast Club, please email the school office admin@cuthbertmayne.herts.sch.uk